Endodontics (Root Canals)
Root Canal
A root canal is the removal of the tooth nerve, sterilization of the canal, and filling the canal. It is necessary when you have a bacterial infection in the root or traumatized/dead nerve (crack in tooth). We utilize a high magnification Zeiss Endoscope for all our root canal treatments.
Pulpal Debridement
Pulpal debridement is the removal of the tooth nerve. This allows for immediate relief of tooth pain. A medication is then placed in the canals to kill bacteria. A follow up appointment is scheduled to finish the root canal.
Antibiotics are used as an adjunct or temporary treatment to an infected tooth. Antibiotics will remove some of the infection around the tooth root. They do not remove the dead nerve tissue which is the source of the infection. Eventually the tooth needs a root canal or in some cases extraction of the tooth if not restorable.